• Question: What would you tell yourself if you could go back in time?

    Asked by Lil Wakm to Tim, Stephen, Sammie, Rachel, Mark on 5 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Sammie Buzzard

      Sammie Buzzard answered on 5 Mar 2018:

      Not to worry too much about what I was doing for a job/uni. I picked the wrong course at university (I originally wanted to be a vet but it wasn’t for me in the end) and had to change course which was a really tough decision, but then it all turned out fine in the end, even the big decisions can be changed!

    • Photo: Stephen Wilkins

      Stephen Wilkins answered on 6 Mar 2018:

      Depends how far back I could go. I didn’t really enjoy high school but loved university to I might tell my teenage self that it would get better. If I went back a few years I’d suggest investing in Bitcoin (but selling before the end of 2017).
