• Question: what was your first major discovery?

    Asked by gracel to Stephen, Sammie, Rachel, Lisa on 9 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Sammie Buzzard

      Sammie Buzzard answered on 9 Mar 2018:

      I discovered a way that lakes were forming in Antarctica through layers of frozen ice forming in the snow that could really matter for the future of huge ice shelves; one collapsed in 2002 that was twice the size of London and we think this happened due to lakes forming on it’s surface as temperatures go up and the ice starts to melt. I did this using computer simulations and weather station/ satellite data so we still had to test this results so it was really really exciting when a team from another university went to Antarctica and dig up some of these ice layers and we could see that they really did exist thousands of miles away from my office where I did the simulations!
