• Question: What is your favourite thing about the sun?

    Asked by 464spdm33 to Lisa, Mark, Rachel, Sammie, Stephen, Tim on 5 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Mark Mirmelstein

      Mark Mirmelstein answered on 5 Mar 2018:

      My favourite thing about the Sun is that it is not big enough to explode as a supernova, which means that unless something else will disturb the solar system, it will remain as it is for a long time even after the sun expands to become a red giant while its core condenses and eventually becomes a white dwarf.

    • Photo: Lisa Baddeley

      Lisa Baddeley answered on 5 Mar 2018:

      My favourite thing about the Sun is that it makes me warm and happy. Here on Svalbard we don’t see the Sun for 4 months of the year (from November to February) so when we get to see it again the whole town has a big party (which is this week….!!)

    • Photo: Tim Duckenfield

      Tim Duckenfield answered on 6 Mar 2018:

      My favourite thing about the Sun is how beautiful it can be, especially when you look at it through telescopes from space. There are so many videos on YouTube, or NASA’s instagram, that are inspiring and hypnotic! As an example, have a search for “coronal rain”. And the fact that we don’t understand the Sun, it’s mysterious but so familiar, just really makes me curious and want to learn more about it!

    • Photo: Sammie Buzzard

      Sammie Buzzard answered on 12 Mar 2018:

      I think it’s just how big it is, it blows my mind! You could fit a million Earth’s inside the sun and it contains 98.86% of all the mass in our Solar System.
