• Question: What is your favourite constellation?

    Asked by Woody to Lisa, Mark, Rachel, Sammie, Stephen, Tim on 5 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Mark Mirmelstein

      Mark Mirmelstein answered on 5 Mar 2018:

      My favourite constellation is Orion for several reasons. The main one, is that it is a winter constellation, meaning it is only visible in the northern hemisphere during winter, and winter is my favourite season, so whenever I see Orion in the sky, I know it is winter, and that makes me a little happy. Another reason is that a lot of the astronomical objects that are a part of this constellation are very beautiful and scientifically intriguing. For example, in Orion’s sword, which is hanged from his belt, one of the astronomical bodies we see is actually a nebula and not a star (and fittingly enough, it is called the Orion Nebula). A nebula is an interstellar cloud, mainly composed of dust, hydrogen and helium, and is usually known as a place in which stars are formed.

    • Photo: Stephen Wilkins

      Stephen Wilkins answered on 6 Mar 2018:

      Either Orion because it so easy to identify or Cassiopeia because it looks like a big “W”.
