• Question: What do you love about your job?

    Asked by Julieck to Stephen, Sammie, Rachel, Mark, Lisa on 6 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Lisa Baddeley

      Lisa Baddeley answered on 6 Mar 2018:

      One thing I love is when I teach the students how to use some of the radar systems we have on Svalbard and also to see them when they see the aurora for the first time. They have learnt a lof of the boring maths and equations that tells them about what should happen to the atmosphere when there is aurora. It’s when they see the aurora and then they look at the radar data and see that the equations were correct…for quite a few of them it makes them think about a career in space physics for the first time.

    • Photo: Sammie Buzzard

      Sammie Buzzard answered on 8 Mar 2018:

      You can never get bored because there are always new things to discover. I’d get bored very fast if I was doing the same thing every day! I also get to go to lots of cool places so as the Arctic, but also fun places like Moscow and the USA to meet with colleagues.

      Like Lisa I also like working with students but my favourite is talking to people that think they don’t like science and showing them some cool stuff we can do, it’s not all solving equations!
