• Question: Is the sea ice going to be all gone soon? If yes, then when? Is the melting due to global warming? If so, how much of an impact can we have if we start drastically trying to improve global warming now?

    Asked by Isla to Sammie on 5 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Sammie Buzzard

      Sammie Buzzard answered on 5 Mar 2018:

      If we knew when it’d all be gone then I’d probably be out of a job 😉 There are lots of different groups of scientists trying to work out the answer to how much ice there will be each year and they compare their predictions in a kind friendly competition to see who gets it closest.

      But it’s tough to work out even a few months in advance let alone year, predictions run from in a few years time to beyond 2100.

      We know the ocean is warmer and melting on top of the ice are very likely due to global warming but we also think if we change this the ice can start to grow back so it’s not all bad news but we do need to make those changes soon!
