• Question: If it was possible would you want to live on Jupiter?

    Asked by crazycakes222 to Tim, Stephen, Sammie, Rachel, Mark on 8 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Tim Duckenfield

      Tim Duckenfield answered on 8 Mar 2018:

      I would rather live on one of Jupiter’s many moons. Then I would be able to look up at the sky and see the beautiful swirling bands on Jupiter, and the huge swirling storms that are bigger than the entire Earth! The northern lights (aurora) also happen on Jupiter like here on Earth, but a lot brighter and moving a lot more, so watching that would be beautiful.
      The moons are pretty cool themselves too. Some have ice volcanoes, that erupt frozen ice and water up into space! Some have thick layers of ice all over them, and underneath might be liquid water – which means if alien life does exist in our solar system, it is likely to be on Jupiter’s moons!
