• Question: do you prefer Star trek or Star Wars

    Asked by 262spdm24 to Tim, Stephen, Sammie, Rachel, Lisa on 5 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Sammie Buzzard

      Sammie Buzzard answered on 5 Mar 2018:

      I can see this might cause a bit of a debate… but I’m Team Star Wars for sure, I wish I had a Wookiee as my best friend!

      I once did a talk on Star Wars day (May the 4th of course) and hid lots of Star Wars images in with the ice, a few people noticed which I think they liked.

    • Photo: Lisa Baddeley

      Lisa Baddeley answered on 5 Mar 2018:

      This is a tough one. I’m going to have to side with team Star Trek. I love Star Wars (although was a bit disappointed with the last movie..it was ok but a bit too long) but there is something about Star Trek that is more real. The things that the shows producers came up with back in the 1960s that we now have everyday (I’m thinking ipads and skype off the top of my head). I know we are nowhere near a warp drive but still…it fires the imagination.

    • Photo: Tim Duckenfield

      Tim Duckenfield answered on 6 Mar 2018:

      Star trek – because as they were making it, they tried really really hard to think about the physics of all the space stuff. I grew up watching it on TV and I think it might partly be why I’m so interested in space now. As Lisa says star trek predicted a few cool technology things too – the first automatic door, the flip phone was inspired by captain Kirk’s flip communicator, Skype (think the bridge viewscreen), GPS, and scientists are even building tricorders now to help in disaster relief! That said I love star wars too – who wouldn’t want a lightsaber!!
