• Question: Do you believe in ghosts or the afterlife?

    Asked by Woody to Lisa, Mark, Rachel, Sammie, Stephen, Tim on 6 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Tim Duckenfield

      Tim Duckenfield answered on 6 Mar 2018:

      Ghosts: I don’t believe in people remaining on earth in spirit form, that float etc. The main reason is I don’t understand how they would be visible but able to walk through walls (how does the light get reflected off nothing?), and how does gravity hold them to the floor if they don’t have mass? I do think that other people see ghosts though – after all, I cannot ever see through somebody else’s eyes, so I have to believe them. The way our mind works, and how we ‘see’ things is so mysterious, that I don’t think I can say definitively what somebody else sees. What caused them to see that ghost, well I do not know.

      Afterlife: Who knows? I guess I will find out one day, we all will. I’d rather focus on here and now, than the afterlife.
